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01722 786845
Helping KS4 students to choose their futures beyond school and the classrooom

Aimed at: Year 9 and 10 Student

Usual Tour Schedule: Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms

All our shows can be offered as a standalone or with workshops proceeding the performance.

What's Next?
by Brooke Jones & Holly Kellingray
Key Messages:
  • Which subjects should I pick for BTEC or A level?
  • What career and learning pathway options are there for me?
  • How do apprenticeships work, would they be suitable for my future?

Billy hates school and just can’t wait for the next step in their life. But what happens next? Being mates with Jen and Harry is confusing; as they know exactly what they want to do in the future. Billy’s mum, teachers and friends all say Billy should do different things. How will Billy work out what’s the best plan? Billy, Jen and Harry go on a journey to truly find out – What’s Next?

Feedback from our Latest Tour


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