Relationships, Mental Health, Peer Pressure for KS4 Students

Aimed at: Year 9, 10 and 11
Usual Tour Schedule: Summer Term
All our shows can be offered as a standalone or with workshops proceeding the performance.
Power of Love
by Solomon Theatre Company
Key Messages:
- Exploitation and the forms of abuse; physical or psychological including sexual exploitation.
- Healthy Relationships – the significance of respect, equality, trust and goodwill.
- Grooming
- Social Media
- Peer Pressure
Lucy’s new boyfriend is charming… but he’s also becoming increasingly controlling. He intimidates her psychologically and then physically. But when a picture of Lucy spreads round school will she have the courage to stand up to him. Will she be able to keep her friends who were trying to warned her about him.
The choice is hers; will she be like her mum and stay in the relationship? Or will she find the strength to follow her own path?
Feedback from our Latest Tour